Monday, September 3, 2018

Cheese Curds, Llamas, Pork Chops on a Stick, Oh My!

As my sister and I were making our way back to the park and ride to head home from a day jam packed with food, fun, and happiness, a twinge of sadness lurked underneath my smile.

Today was our last day at the fair, and with that summer sunshine and humidity will turn to crisp autumn nights as the sun lessens its time in the sky. Summer was over.

Many people have asked me over the years why I have such deep admiration for our state fair. Is it the foods on a stick? The opportunity to celebrate the art and culture of this beloved state? A chance to bask in the last few days of summer before it departs for nine months, only to return in what we hope to be next June?

It is all of those things.

When I moved to Milwaukee in 2008 and missed my first Minnesota State Fair in I am not sure how many years, my disappointment was palpable. Here I was, leaving behind something we as Minnesotan’s hold so dear. I was not only homesick for family and friends that I had left behind on my college journey, but homesick for the traditions I had come so accustomed to. I missed my foods on a stick, the chaos of the midway, and the sleepy walks through the agriculture and creative arts buildings. I missed the sweet treats, the smelly animals, and sweating profusely in the August heat. I missed the Minnesota State Fair.

For several years after that, I continued to miss the state fair. My college, that was several hundred miles away, just happened to always start around the same week as the state fair, so it was tough to navigate moving in, getting my classes figured out and making sure I was prepared for a new semester. In the end, I had to give up my treasured fair for a new experience, to which I do not regret.

When I finally moved back to home in 2015, I was ready to attack the largest state fair in the country with a vengeance. I had attended the Wisconsin State Fair while I was away and was bummed by how small it felt. As I passed through those gates in Milwaukee, I felt no sense of community, just an odd opportunity to munch on cheese curds and “enjoy” a country concert. It was not the Minnesota State Fair and would never live up to the fair I had come to love so dearly.

When passing through the heavenly gates in Minnesota for the first time in almost 7 years, I felt a sudden sense of joy and peace. Amongst hundreds of thousands of people laughing, crying, screaming, and dancing on those fairgrounds, I felt I was home. To taste cheese curds, pork chops on a stick, and Sweet Martha’s Cookies again felt like Christmas morning to a five year old. I was in heaven. The fairgrounds were my playground!

While I was away, my fondness for our state fair, and even our state, grew stronger and stronger with each passing year. I love Minnesota. The land of 10,000 lakes will forever be my home. Whether on the lake in the summer, skating at the local park in the winter, or apple picking in the fall, I am enthralled with all the amazing things this state has to offer and the fact that I get to enjoy it, live it and breathe it for 365 days out of the year.

So you ask me, why do you love the Minnesota State Fair so much? 

All I can say is, for 12 days out of the year, I get to celebrate everything that our state has to share with the world with 2 million of my closest friend. Together with eat foods on a stick, drink wacky craft beers, marvel in artwork, canoodle with cuddly animals, and have the largest party this state has to offer.

At the end of it all, my heart is so full of happiness it could burst, because our state fair is what community is; an opportunity to bring people together and share in what makes us all uniquely great. 

And for 12 days, Minnesota sure is good at that.

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