Friday, January 2, 2015

Taylor Swift Stepped Out and Shined Brightest in 2014

Taylor Swift owned 2014, with her epic Red tour coming to an end and her devastatingly amazing 1989 becoming the soundtrack on everyone’s radios, in headphones, and at parties. Though she has created mass hysteria across the airwaves and social media with her catchy tunes and lovable dorky personality, Swift more than anything this year asserted herself and exploded onto the pop scene with fierce determination.
She has been featured on numerous magazine covers and has truly made the world her oyster. After reading an article in the November issue of UK Vogue that featured her on the cover, I had developed a mad amount of respect for the young women on the brink of 25. She spoke in brutal honesty, but had this elegant, warm and confident demeanor throughout the interview. I remember at one point reading “dating or finding someone is the last thing on my mind, because I can’t picture how it could work with the way my life is.” It was invigorating to finally see her coming to terms with her life and it was motivational to me as a young women on the cusp of 25 and feeling rather lost in terms of friendship, relationships and jobs. I admired her earnestness and feel like many people are finally starting to appreciate Taylor for Taylor.
When 1989 dropped it spoke volumes to where Swift was at in her life and was her most relatable album to date. My roommate and I spent countless nights with the CD (yes, they still make those charming little compact discs) playing on repeat over and over again, dancing in the living room and belting out these creatively addictive tunes. It was like hearing all of my twenties on one album and finding a long lost friend. The album left me feeling surprisingly calm through synthesized pop beats, but also gave me the insatiable urge to dance my heart out. I applaud Swift on creating something so perfect, it changed my view on pop music today.
Not only has she given my roommate and I something to bond over, but she has inspired numerous artist to be innovative with her tunes. Swift has an astounding talent for songwriting; one that many will never match, and it is wonderful to see so many people singing, dancing, and mixing her music. One example that recently has splashed onto the social media scene is the acoustic cover by Louisa Wendorff and Devin Dawson, who have created a superb mash up of “Blank Space” and “Style.” It is beautiful and I command everyone check it out, now, if you can of course. Swift has paved the way for aspiring artists and musicians, which makes her a true artist.

Lastly a video came out within the new year that truly expresses the love and appreciation Swift not only has for life, but her fans. MTV news reported that Swift created an “End of the Year” video that showed her showering fans with gifts and beautifully personal handwritten notes. The video is heartwarming and sincere, as it features Taylor becoming Santa Claus and wrapping boxes with delightfully bright and cheery wrapping paper. It also features fans opening these gifts and sharing extreme appreciation for a musician that has become an inspiration in their lives. It is a video filled with profound joy and can bring a tear to even Scrooge himself.
So, Taylor, thank you for being a constant reminder in my life to chase after your dreams and make the world your oyster. Your album will continue to shape not only my life, but millions of others in the world. You should be proud of the impact you are having. Please, continue to be you, and my roommate and I will continue to spend evenings dancing to the genius you have named 1989.

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